| author and teacher
PhD in Human Nutrition

author and teacher
PhD in Human Nutrition

Nutrition, Dietetics and Food Sciences


I studied at Università di Bologna (IT); Università Politecnica delle Marche (IT) and Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7 (FR).
I teach Human Plant Based Nutrition at the Università di Camerino as Professor a.c. I am past-vice president of the SINVE (Italian Society of Vegetarian Nutrition), president of CHANGE (life style italian association) and member of Committee for the Esame di Stato at Università "Aldo Moro" of Bari (IT) for licence to Professional Biologist. Author for the publishing house "Il Pensiero Scientifico Editore", Roma (IT); "Manni Editori", Lecce (IT) and "EDRA", Milano (IT); the last books are "Scelta vegetariana e vita in bicicletta" ("Being vegetarian and life cycle"), 2012; "Mangiare per crescere. Consigli per genitori in gamba" ("Eat and grow"), 2014; "Il carrello pieno. Alimentazione, marketing e salute" ("The full cart"), Manni Editori; 2016 and "La via italiana alla dieta vegetariana" ("The Italian way to the vegetarian diet"), Il Pensiero Scientifico Editore, 2018.
Author and Tutor for the International Master in Vegetarian Nutrition and Dietetics UNIVPM-FUNIBER.
Currently, i am Tecnology Manager (TM) of software development for the vegetarian nutrition; Keyson (IT) company. Finally, i am the owner of the Centro Diaìta (IT), a clinical center that deals with disorders of weight and nutrition.

ScD Biologist and Nutritionist
PhD in Human Nutrition (Specialista in Scienza dell'Alimentazione), Professional Doctorate
PhD in Food Tecnology and Chemistry (Specialista in Chimica e Tecnologie Alimentari), Professional Doctorate
RRS in Computer Science
TTO in Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT-MNT)

Dietetics courses, including food systems and foodservice management. Nutrition courses, including basic nutrition, sports nutrition and lifecycle nutrition. Food database and dietetics software.

School lunch/child nutrition. Food safety, especially consumer food safety. Long-term care facility foodservice and nutrition. Acute care facility foodservice and nutrition.

As a certified Nutritionist, I work with clients suffering from chronic disease such as diabetes, heart disease and autoimmune disease. I also work with clients suffering from life altering afflictions such as digestive disorders, joint pain, sleep disturbances, obesity and/or weight challenges.
Through a series of comprehensive intake forms, I'm able to assess your individual nutritional deficiencies and work from the foundations of good health to achieve optimal, systemic health: whole food diet, digestion, blood sugar handling, fatty acid status, mineral status and hydration.


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Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe. Albert Einstein
Mauro Destino - Life


Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe. Albert Einstein
Mauro Destino - Life

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